Lancée le 10 mars 2022
0 €
collecté avec 0 participant
Fermée depuis le 8 février 2023
Please help my Family complete this unfinished Masjid Project in The Gambia ! It's been started by close relatives and one of them is now deceased -May Allah have mercy on their Soul.
Without the funds this project cannot be completed but with the help of you all we may continue and complete it , thus providin many from the community to have a close proximity to a masjid ! Imahine the rewards everytime a Beleiver prays in this masjid that YOU have contributed to !
Whatever the amount, everyone can participate in this pot. No need to create an account or register, it's fast and payments are 100% secure. Possibility to participate by credit card.
If you can not participate financially, share this fundraiser around you to the maximum. THANK YOU !