Filippo's fight !

Lancée le 09 déc. 2018 Privée

29 441

collectés avec 285 participants

Fermée depuis le 29 février 2020

Dear friends,
Filippo, Michi and their parents, Camilla and Edo, are currently living a very difficult time. Doctors have diagnosed Filippo, who just celebrated 3 years old few weeks ago, with a Leukaemia. This saddens us all and makes us angry at the same time!
Despite this situation, all four are very strong, sodden and impressive of courage. They are facing the situation and Filippo has already started his chemotherapy treatment in Italy.
We do not need to describe here “la chaleur de vivre” and the generosity of Camilla and Edo towards those around them. It is quite natural to reciprocate them by showing our support through our words, our messages, our prayers, and of course by supporting them financially with what everyone can afford to give.
These expenses were obviously not planned by Camilla and Edo, and we thought that their family and friends could participate to help them in this difficult time.
Thank you for being part of this kitty for the quick recovery of Filippo and for the unconditional support we want to show to his parents and his big brother!
Thank you all for your donations and do not forget to send them words of support all along this tough period!!!

Posté le 14 janv. 2019, 08h58

Troppo spesso sottovalutiamo il potere di un tocco, un sorriso, una parola gentile, un orecchio in ascolto, un complimento sincero, o il più piccolo atto di cura, che hanno tutto il potenziale per trasformare una vita intorno.
(Leo Buscaglia)
Molto spesso durante questo mese appena trascorso abbiamo sorriso e ci siamo sentiti sollevati grazie agli "atti di cura" di tutti coloro che ci hanno stretto in un abbraccio, fisico e virtuale, che ci fa sentire più forti.
Grazie dal profondo del cuore. Siete riusciti a farci sentire meno soli nella battaglia.

Nei prossimi mesi vi faremo sapere quanto di quello che è stato raccolto sarà devoluto al Comitato Maria Letizia Verga- per la cura e la ricerca della leucemia nei bambini.

Trop souvent, nous sous-estimons le pouvoir d'un contact, d'un sourire, un mot gentil, d’ecouter attentivement, d’un compliment sincère ou du plus petit geste de soin, tous autant facteurs susceptibles de transformer une vie.
(Leo Buscaglia)
Très souvent, au cours du dernier mois, nous avons souri et nous nous sommes sentis soulagés grâce aux "gestes de soin" de tous ceux qui nous ont serrés dans les bras, physiquement et virtuellement, et qui nous ont fait sentir plus forts. Merci de tout coeur. Vous avez réussi à nous faire sentir moins seuls dans la bataille.

Dans les mois à venir, nous vous ferons également savoir combien de ce qui a été collecté sera donné au Comité Maria Letizia Verga pour le traitement et la recherche de la leucémie chez les enfants.


Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, listening, a sincere compliment, or the smallest act of care, all of which have the potential to transform a life.
(Leo Buscaglia)
Very often during this past month we have smiled and we have felt relieved thanks to the "acts of care" of all those who have held us in a physical and virtual hug, that makes us feel stronger.
Thanks from the bottom of the heart. You have made us feeling less alone in the battle.

In the coming months we will also let you know how much of what has been collected will be donated to the Maria Letizia Verga- Committee for the treatment and research of leukemia in children.

Camilla, Edo, Michi and Filippo 

Posté le 18 déc. 2018, 08h56

Dear All, 

Thank you very much for your generosity. A first transfer has been already sent to Camilla and Edo to face the first expenses but the kitty is still on - this is still possible to donate for Filippo and his family!!!! Thanks again to all!!

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